?  Short and Long Term Aircraft Maintenance Planning. Assists and coordinates with Aircraft Records, Maintenance and Quality Control to provide maintenance packages.

  1. Requirements/Qualifications
  2. Previous experience in aircraft maintenance, maintenance planning, inspection and/or production control desired; A & P license preferred.
  3. Must be detail oriented.
  4. Have good computer skills.
  5. Possess good oral and written communication skills.
  6. Responsibilities/Duties
  7. The Planning Supervisor reports and is responsible to the Chief lnspector.

Duties include, but are not limited to:

  1. Reviews the Aircraft Time Limits Control items as furnished by Aircraft Records and

the subsequent issue of routine maintenance assignment work schedules for all

maintenance and inspection tasks coming due. This also includes requisitioning

parts as well as providing a tracking sheet or schedule for and when these tasks

must accomplished.

  1. Prepares forecast and schedules using current, accurate and complete maintenance

records information provided for its substantiation

  1. Participates in the review and analysis of Airworthiness Directives, Service Bulletins,

All Operator Letters, Modification Orders, etc. for applicability, requirements,

scheduling and coordination with aircraft operated under the appropriate Sky King

Maintenance Program.

  1. Coordinates with Aircraft Records to have the applicable AD, SB, AOL, MO, etc.

implemented into the appropriate Maintenance Program if it has recurring

inspections and/or requirements.

  1. Initiates the applicable paperwork or request for change in paperwork required to

comply with applicable AD, SB, AOL, MO, etc.

  1. Initiates or requests change or creation of work documents for applicable Federal

Airworthiness Regulations (FAR’s) and implement into Aircraft

Maintenance/Inspection Program as applicable.

  1. Provides daily, short and long term planning forecasts of scheduled maintenance

requirements to take best advantage of aircraft scheduled downtimes and work force

efficiency and provide updating of the P/T forecast to be accomplished on the fleet.

  1. Preplans, requisitions and assists in kitting parts, materials and special tooling

requirements for scheduled line maintenance requirements and major maintenance


  1. Supports maintenance as needed to ensure current, legible work cards and forms

are available.

  1. Assists to identifying, coordinating and incorporating revisions to the maintenance


  1. Provides liaison and coordination with Vendors and Contractors where required to

accomplish specific maintenance needs.

  1. Provides information and data to the CASS.
  2. Provides man-hour and material costs as collected for assistance in department

budget preparation.

  1. Other duties as assigned by the Chief Inspector.
  2. The Manager of Planning may delegate any or all of his/her duties to a qualified persons,

this does not however, relieve him / her of their overall responsibility

?  2.26 Manager of Records & CASS

The Manager of Aircraft Records and CASS is accountable to the Director of Quality

Control for assuring compliance with Company and FAA records keeping requirements. In the

absence of the Manager of Records & CASS, the Director of Quality Control shall appoint a

qualified individual to fulfill the responsibilities of the Manager of Records & CASS.

  1. Requirements/Qualifications
  2. Knowledge of the Federal Aviation Regulations and Sky King Manuals.
  3. Good written and oral communication skills.
  4. Knowledge and ability to utilize multiple software applications.
  5. Ability to create and utilize formulas for reliability and performance.
  6. Have at least three years of experience in Aircraft Records or equivalent
  7. Duties/Responsibilities
  8. The Manager of Records & CASS is accountable to the Director of Quality Control for assuring

compliance with Company and FAA records keeping requirements. The Manager of Records

& CASS is responsible for, but not limited to, performance of the following duties and functions:

  1. Possesses knowledge of the records and records keeping section of the Company’s

General Maintenance inspection provisions of each section.

  1. Supervises and directs all personnel assigned to the Aircraft Records Department.
  2. Oversee the operation of the records system to assure accurate and up-to-date

information regarding the collection of correct flight times from log sheets, and

recording times so that time-controlled items are accomplished by their required time


  1. Maintains files to reflect the current status of Aircraft, Engines, and Components of

the fleet.

  1. Processes equipment part tags and files vendor and equipment part tags and

component overhaul reports.

  1. Assumes responsibility for the security of, and access to, aircraft maintenance records.
  2. Ensures compliance with Federal Aviation Regulations, ATA standards, and

Company policy.

  1. Performs duties as defined in the CASS Program.
  2. Directs the review of maintenance work packages and log sheets for completeness,

accuracy, and legibility; and processing this data into the record system.

  1. Auditing all paperwork for completion and accuracy. Auditing and recording all

flight times of aircraft.

  1. Preparing reports required by this manual and Federal Aviation Administration in a

timely manner.

  1. Prepares and distributes the Monthly Utilization Reports accordingly.
  2. Provides reports to manufacturers and FAA regarding corrosion control, S.I.D., and

aging aircraft fleet programs as required.

  1. Accomplishes maintenance records review and determines phase-in requirements for

acquired aircraft.

  1. Analyzes the output of the records department to preplan all required inspections,

overhauls, AD compliance and other maintenance functions. This also includes

monitoring compliance to ensure no over flies.

  1. Assists with the Review and implementation of AD’s into the Maintenance Tracking

System and audits files for accuracy and completeness.


  1. Performs duties as defined in the CASS Program.
  2. Serves as a member of the CASS Review Board (CRB).
  3. Compiles statistical data for the Continuing Analysis and Surveillance (CASS) program.
  4. Performs any other such duties as may be assigned by the Director of Quality Control.
  5. Participates as a voting member of the CASS Review Board.
  6. Performes any such duties as assigned by the DQC.

?  NOTE: The Manager of Records & CASS may delegate duties assigned to any

qualified assistant. However, such delegation does not relieve the Manager of

Records from their overall duties and responsibility